Around The World

 Insturctions.. 1. Begin at start        2.Roll the dice. Whoever has the greatest number goes first.     3. The number you roll is how many spaces you jump ahead.     4.  If you hit a interactive space be sure to do what it says .    5.  Whoever makes it to the finish first wins.


One day on The Crushers, my baseball team ,were playing in Tyler, Texas , and Dylan , one of my team mates , had to go to the hospital in Victoria. He came back and played on Sunday. After all the games, he went back to the hospital and they found out he had a tumor. That hole year was sad for me. He fought for 2 years . One day he came back and to sonic and Mrs. Selmal said, ‘This will most likely be the last time you see him.’ Unfortunately it was. I still miss my friend who fought cancer for 2 years.

Child Labor

Kids had to work a 12 hour shift every day cause there family could not afford to survive without the child’s help. Kids got sick and some kids got so sick they died cause the boss would fire them if they weren’t there. If kids got put to a job they would have to do it one kid got split in pecs if he didn’t open clams.

In my oppion i fell really blessed with the world i live in cause we don’t have to work to stay alive. We get to go to scholl and learn a lot.

War Of 1812

W- War began June, of 1812

A- Americans faced off in a war aginst british

R- Running through the Mississippi and Ohio river searching for enimes

O- On the day of the war a lot of soilders were killed

F- For all moms and dads should get prayed for

1- One war broke out in 1812

8- Eight events happend before the war

1- One team won which was U.S.A

2- Two leaders in the war were James Maddison,and Andrew Jones